In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Green Bench Brewing Co. Saison de Banc Vert

Aroma: “Subtle aroma of lemon and Brett funk with a slight vegetal note. Light spiciness and lots of phenols—smoky, white pepper. A bit of overripe peach and a bit of toasty malt.”

Flavor: “Starts a bit sweet and becomes moderately acidic with a finish that’s sweet, sour, and bitter. Lemon and stone fruit with a hint of tartness. Finishes semidry with a slight tart note. Lots of pineapple, peach, and spicy, smoky phenols—almost a BBQ sauce. Some horse blanket but just a touch of Brett with a few woody notes. High carbonation pushes into a light, dry finish.”

Overall: “Odd beer to taste: sweet, tart, and bitter all at once. Lots of unusual smoky phenols, lots of peach. Moderate tart notes with grapefruit and light peach notes. Light funk note and a slight astringency toward the end of the sip. Light body and funky spicy complexity were enjoyable. No major flaws but the flavor is outside of the canon and tough to wrap your head around. ”
